„You can do anything… go anywhere. (…) Surf a 50-foot monster wave in Hawaii. – You can sky down the pyramids. You can climb Mount Everest with Batman.”

Do you know what I mean? – That's the OASIS. At least, as described by Wade Watts aka Parzival in the movie "Ready Player One." The OASIS is a universe of virtual planets. In short: the metaverse as you imagine it.

There, we no longer jump from browser tab to browser tab – from Alibaba to Tencent – but from the virtual entertainment planet, to the learning planet, to the movie planet....

And the blockchain is a place where this virtual world is growing like a bamboo tree – slowly at first, step by step and almost invisibly; but finally, all at once at breakneck speed.

That's why you're about to learn what the current metaverse ecosystem on the blockchain is. And then, how the new MetaGameHub (MGH) protocol gives you the chance to easily invest in the megatrends of the next decade: the metaverse, DeFi, NFTs, and oracles.

What Is The Metaverse on The Blockchain?

Picture it:

You open your gaming account, and you see: nothing!

The screen is black, your inventory is empty, your character is gone – the character that has cost you hundreds of hours of game time and maybe hundreds of dollars.

This is not a nightmare, but the fate of many gamers. From Infinite Crisis, to WildStar, to Marvel Heros. All of these games were shut down.

There was nothing you could do about it – your invested time and money were lost.

Only NFTs have changed that. Only with them comes trust, ownership and uniqueness in games, online worlds and finally the metaverse.

Why? Because your NFT – your skin, character, map, even the whole game – is yours alone. It doesn't belong to a corporation. Not to a game developer. Not to a central authority that can take it away from you.

NFTs are therefore the cornerstone of the metaverse on the blockchain: only now do you have digital, tamper-proof ownership.

But how far has the trend already advanced?

A quick overview:

These are just a few of the waves that are sweeping over the blockchain right now, heralding the metaverse tide.